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11 week old Westie - Black stool

18 16:07:17

We got our puppy last wednesday, and have noticed
that his stool is extremely dark (almost black) and firm.  The Breeder says very dark stool is normal for a puppy.  He otherwise acts fine, except for a throwing up bout with his breeder a couple of weeks ago.
Should I be concerned?  Could they be hiding something from me?

Hi Kathy!  No matter what any breeder says, always, always have your new puppy checked by your veterinarian within 2 weeks of bringing the puppy home.  Dark stool is normal, although black stool is a sign of digested blood (meaning there could be internal bleeding).  If the puppy is acting normal, I would not worry, although I would highly recommend a vet check up just to initialize the puppy's good health.
Please keep me posted and congrats on your new baby!
Give that little guy some kisses for me!