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My Cat/Dental

18 15:08:51

I have a 4 year old Tabby and I FINALLY got her held down long enough to take a good look into her mouth.I found a huge black sore on the lower right jaw and a tooth already gone and a few that look yellowish? BUT the oder is foul! So then I snatched up my ragdoll whom is 3 and he has k9's that hang out over his bottom lip about 4mm on each side and both of his bottom jaw sides were the fangs rub are sores and getting infected PLUS there is a pretty big black spot on the right k9 and the left one is starting to get black?? I have only fed them Purine indoor complete formula their whole lives?? They have never had human food Nor canned-soft food. What can I do to fix my kitties mouths??

Well you can see firsthand what happens when you don't brush your teeth!
Actually by the age of two, almost all pets have some sort of advanced dental disease.
Cats are prone to some dental issues that dogs don't get- such as a very painful disease called cervical neck lesions or resorption lesions.

This is when the neck of the tooth at the gum line gets red and sore and the tooth starts to be absorbed by the saliva and gum tissues.
It is extremely painful. Your cat wouldn't be eating right if she had that.

The black spots you are seeing are most likely pigmentation spots which a lot of breeds get and they start to form around 4-6 yrs of age.
So unless they are large, as in raised, spots, those are not something of concern. The sores and teeth full of calculus are however.

What you need to do is make an appointment to get her mouth looked at and schedule a cleaning.
Another thing you might want to do is get them on food made for dental health. Purina (I am guessing that is what you meant by Purine?)
is not a good diet. I don't care how many fancy names and bags they make the formulas are the same and there is nothing of nutritional value in most of them.

If you want the best nutrition for your cat for less money over all- then switch them to Science Diet. Every batch is made with the same formula and quality as the one before it. Purina and all the rest (even Iams now,sadly) cannot make that claim. Only SD has fixed-formulation which means consistent quality and dense nutrition for your cats.
I have fed and recommended it for over 28 yrs and the animals I have, even my cat that lived to be 19- never had dental problems, calculus buildup or gum disease. My 14 yr old cat's teeth are as healthy as a one year olds.

So call the vet, discuss the cleaning and get it done. Your younger cat sounds like she too, needs a look over in her mouth.
Once they are on the good food and you get their teeth worked on, they should have minimal issues with their mouths.

Some cats are prone to many dental diseases, so even though SD is the best you can give them health wise- genetics and other things can still cause disease factors to crop up.

Please let me know how they are doing in a few weeks.