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Crying Puppy

18 15:42:46

I have a new 9 week old puppy who cries when left alone.  We have tried ignoring her as per instruction from the vet.  She quieted down until we moved her location because her area was too large and she was messing everywhere.

She is now in the same room as my 4 year old dog but she is in a play pen set up large enough for sleep, pee pad and food and water dish.

She wimpers and it escallates to the point where she sounds like an large injured bird.  We tried ignoring her again hoping she would grow out of it but she is also keeping us awake all night long.

Do you know of any tricks to get her to sleep through the night.  Or any idea on how I can get a full nights sleep.

Best bet is to keep her in a small crate.  Sometimes leaving the radio or putting a tick-tock clock next to them will help.  Also you can fill a 2 liter soda bottle with hot water and cover it with a towel for something for her to snuggle against.  Since she is so small, I would recommend getting up once in the nite to take her out to the bathroom as it is likely that she can only hold her bladder for 3-4 hours at this age.