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Kneeds Cats/Old Cats

18 16:07:28

First Thank You for this site! I have 3 cats. Emmitt who is 19 years old, Smokie & the Bandit who are both 8 months old. They all get along great, the "boys" keep the older one active, he is the one who chases and plays with the others. Believe me, there is a speed way in my house. My questions are, 1. how old can a health cat live, and 2. the boys kneed all of the time when I get into bed. The one just started a few weeks ago and the other always has done it. Why do they do that? Thank you for your help and I look forward to your answer.

a cats average life span is 12 years, but cats 16 to 20 are seen daily in veterinary clinics. The oldest cat on record lived to the age of 34.  Kneading usually signifies excitement when emotionally aroused by a favorite person, another cat, a stimulating smell, or an interesting fabric texture.