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Ringworm in Dog

18 14:04:14

1.  Does Tolnaftate(1%) cure it, or just treats the symptoms?
2.  Does Black Walnut Oil work, and then follow up by putting it in the dogs water as a preventative?
3.  Do you have to bathe the dog in Sulfur 1x per week for weeks?
4.  What is the Best and MOST EFFECTIVE treatment of Ringworm in dogs?

Tolnaftate does not seem to do the job for ringworm in dogs.  There are better topicals, like Miconazole 1%, but topicals are very hit and miss in  dogs with hair where you cannot see all of the lesions, just the obvious ones.  I do not know anything of black walnut oil.  The best treatment is to use an antifungal shampoo twice weekly for 15-20 minutes containing 1% ketoconazole or 4% chlorhexidine.  Then use oral ketoconazole or fluconazole for a month to kill all 3 types of ringworm fungi found on the dog.