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My Female cats are in heat.

18 15:29:21

I have two female cats that live only indoors in my apartment. I want to have them spayed, but at this time I do not have the money for it. I have tried to find discount clinics in my area but they just don't exsist. Anyway my question is do you know of anything that might bring them any relief at all? I hate seeing them so miserable. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Unfortunately cats are induced ovulators.  This means that unless they are mated the females can stay in heat for quite a time and sadly there is not very much that you can do to change the course of this for them.

You may however wish to check with shelters in your area to see if they have any low costs programs that take places there.  In our area I volunteer to help with a program that helps spay and neuter, at a much reduced cost, for those owners who cannot afford standard pricing.  I am not certain if you have already checked such a venue but if not your local shelter(s) may be helpful in finding a way for your cats to be spayed.

Best of luck to you and your feline friends.