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Cat nose

18 14:38:29

Two of our three cats have suddenly got a cracked line (like cracked lips or athletes foot) in the middle of their nose.  Nose is not dry, its not bleeding or pussy at all although cats do seem to be licking it a fair bit.  We've also noticed their voices whilst meowing are sounding a bit rough.  Any idea as to what this could be?  Never seen it before.  They are still eating normally, moving around, affectionate, going outside etc  It has been cold lately but...
Erwin & Peggy

The skin of the nose may be getting cold enough for the blood vessels to contract and the skin over the nose can become compacted from dead skin cells.  This results in a thick, brittle area where the cracks can occur. A steroid creme may help soften this area and make it less painful so the cat won't lick it as much.