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Straigh Cat

18 15:14:22

Hello, yesterday i found what i believe to be a straigh cat by my door-step yesterday, it seems to be attracted to our carpet steps, we don't know what to do with the cat it has fur like it was shampoo-ed washed etc.. not too long ago and very nice teeth and doesn't seem go go away from our steps but me and my mom think the cat is so cute so we put cat food and water by the steps ( In a plastic bowl ), we also have a cat ( American short hair ) in our house hold, my cat ( 1 year old ) looked at the black strigh cat threw our see-threw door and my cat " Hiss-ed " like a haven't seen before, by the way the straigh cat is what i believe to be an all black american short-hair, basicially what im asking of you is your opinion on what we should do with the cat, we cant take him in our house because the cats would NOT get along, we dont know if we should take the strigh cat to a vet, pound, find owner (if their is one ) ? Thank you, i appreciate your qualified opinoin on this subject. =)

Hi Shawn,
This cat might belong to someone or it might just be a young, friendly stray cat.
If that is the case you need to take it to the vet's and get it tested for some diseases that it could spread to your cat even through the screen door.
Viruses such as Leukemia, FIP and FIV are spread through saliva drops that can be airborne.
Most of the time it's spread from fighting, bites, mutual grooming and eating.
Take him into a vets and have him tested. If he is negative then get him neutered (and vaccinated) and then you can bring him home and let him get used to your cat through a bedroom door. It takes about a week or more but they will get along eventually.

As far as what kind he is, we call them DSH, or domestic short hairs. There is no all black american short-hair that is a breed. It's just a designation of type.

That would be my recommendation. If you take him to the pound he won't be there long before they kill him. That is the fate of most strays.
You can also put up fliers out for him as you take him in to see if his owners show up. Beware of those that want a black cat to do horrible things to- this is not uncommon!
There are places that people hide their black cats around Halloween.
Let me know what you decide to do.