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kitten drooling

18 14:31:24

my cat had a litter of 4, but only one is left. the first died at birth, the second had the umbilical cord wrapped around his leg but it got infected so we had to put him to sleep and the third, she sat on him and he suffocated. The last kitten is now 9 days old and weighs about 249g. Since the third kitten died (3 days ago) she lost interest in the last kitten and would hardly stay with him. We have been supplementing his feeding with kitten formula. He seems to be better except for the following concerns:
1. Today is the first time i noticed the kitten sleeping with drool (clear liquid) on his chin which had made a spot on the bed. Also the sound when he cried was as if water was in his lungs.
2. His breathing also seemed different (is it normal for kittens to move when they're asleep as if they have the hiccups)
3. Sometimes when my cat licks the kitten she bites him - his legs, backside, head.. sometimes he squeals and sometimes he does not.

Please advice me if you know what of the above concerns are normal, and what are not.


I would say that it's a concern that she isn't feeding him much. He sounds like he has pneumonia to boot. I would get him into the vets as soon as you can.

Since her litter wasn't very healthy you need to get her spayed. She isn't going to be a good mother. Cats rarely, ever, ever suffocate their babies by sitting on them. The fact that she bites this one tells me that she thinks he is also dying.

She needs to be spayed and he needs to get to a vet if you hope to save him.