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spaniel dog

18 15:11:27

how do i take care my 20 days old spaniel dog?
i live in india.

A 20 day old puppy should be with its Mom still. If not, then you need to get the puppy some puppy milk replacement and bottle feed it.
It will need to be fed every three hours and only enough to make its little tummy slightly round. Any more is too much. You need to keep him warm by putting his box with soft tee shirts, not towels, on top of a heating pad turned to low or get a heat lamp and make sure it is about two feet or more above the puppy. You should be able to feel the warmth on your hand held near the puppy but it shouldn't be hot. You will kill him if he gets too hot or cold.

Puppies open their eyes around 10 days and then they can be weaned at 5-6 weeks from the bottle and started on canned puppy food mixed with a little of the milk. Do NOT use cows milk whatever you do. It will cause really bad diarrhea. Make sure you are taking a warm cotton ball after every feeding and stimulating him to urinate and defecate and then wash and dry him gently. Do not let him get chilled.

You really need to make sure this puppy is wormed at 6 weeks and vaccinated for Distemper/Parvo at that time. He can have his first Rabies at 4 months old. He needs to be wormed every 10 days and should also be started on heartworm prevention at 6 weeks also.

Here is a site that has good information on caring for newborns:
it talks about kittens but the care is the same for puppies, except for the food of course. Use Puppy Milk replacement. Nurturall is a good one and so is Esbilac.
Here is another good site:

I hope this helps. Keep me posted on how he does.