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Sick dog?

18 15:00:24

Please help.  My poor 9 year old chow/blue heeler mix baby is having problems.  She tore her ACL almots a year ago.  Due to money being tight, we chose to see if she would just get she is getting old, and we didn't put any strain on her.  She seemed to get better.  The limping got less and less....just did it when it was cold out.  Things seemed to be as normal as they could be with the circumstances for several months.  Then, just recently, we moved to a new house.  After 3 weeks, we got an invisible fence.  She has never had one.  Ever since we got it, and she was shocked by it, she has been acting strange.  She hides from us, won't get off the deck to go to the bathroom, she cowers.  It is very sad to see.  Then, if everyone is out of the house outside, she will be barking and wanting out, and during the "fit" she pees right where she is.  While hiding somewhere hard to get her, I pulled her out, and she peed on the way out.  She has been skiddish.  When we call her to us, she will sometimes start coming, then she turns back like something spooked her.  She refuses to go outside.  She also pants all the time....but she is a very hairy dog, too.  Please help

She is not sick, she is terrified of this fence. I have no clue how you will get her over that. Some animals, like people, are much more sensitive to things such as this. Her urination is stress related and when you 'pull' her outside you are adding to that stress.

You need to call a dog behaviorist, a trainer or the vet and ask for a solution. There isn't a lot I can tell you that will help this dog. She will need some intensive training to help her out.
But she does need some help.