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Nursing kitten

18 15:09:52

I am fostering a stray cat that had given birth to 4 kittens.  The kittens are 8 weeks old, eating canned and dry food and using the litter box.  The mother was only going in to nurse the kittens at night.  3 of the kittens have gone on to other homes and are doing well.  I kept one of the kittens and have her with the mother.  Since the others have left, the mother now wants to nurse the kitten regularly and the kitten now does eat her regular food like she did before.  I have been told I need to keep the kitten from her for 2 to 3 weeks and let her milk dry up but that is hard to do since she is already stressed looking for her other kittens.  Will using a belly band be a better idea since she will still get to be around her kitten?  I am planning on having the mother spayed in 3 weeks and I am told she needs to dry up before the surgery.  I hope you can help me.


Sometimes pets need tough love.  It is best for both the kitten and the mother if you separate them.  The kitten needs to become independent.  The mother needs to let her baby go.  It's time.  Just be there for both of them.  Transitions are never easy whether you have 2 legs or 4.