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urinary obstruction

18 15:46:51

My cat has developed an obstruction 3 times. He is 7 yrs old. once when he was a kitten, again about 5 yrs ago and now. He just came home  from the hospital and is on antibiotics anti- inflammatory and hills cd diet. He is still not urinating properly but does not seem to be in any distress. he is eating but not urinating as much . He is leaking quite a bit. They are recommending surgery if he re-obstructs. Is this the right way to go.

Thank you

Most cats are mananged medically with prescription diets to keep crystals from forming and obstructions from re-developing.  With repeat obstruction, it is likely he has a mal-formed penis or scar tissue leading to repeat problems, therefore, in this case it sounds like surgery is the best option.

If he is not urinating much now, then you should take him back to the vet right away!