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Malabsorption in cats

18 15:14:28

Can I give my cat an over the counter multi enzyme product to help her absorb the things she needs? She has cancer and is taking Immune Assist which seems to be shrinking the tumor. She is losing weight and I don't want to lose her.

Connie - I have something better for your baby... NuVET Feline Formula - Please call Joan now and she will send it right out to you. NuVET feline is mixed into her wet food each day - You can also give her some cottage cheese - 1-2 teaspoons per day.
1-800-474-7044  Ext 265  ( tell Joan about your cat)..
She is wonderful and very helpful.

Tell Joan Marie sent you and use code 81098 . .... they can't sell to the public without a vet/ kennel code... Thanks.

Also, you may want to give some canned pure pumpkin - 1 or 2 teaspoons per day.... good fiber and calories.

I would also like you to pick up some pure salmon oil at the pet stores... 1 teaspoon per day.

NuVET is not at any pet store - the cost is about .50 cents per day.

Please let me know how she is, on the NuVET Feline -