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my dog has a big lump

18 14:37:37

i currently have a shih tzu that has a lump on its neck. the shih tzu is 3 years old born in 2007. I not sure about when we first found it but it is big and it moves around the neck like up and down and it is sometimes hard but sometimes mellow. I wanted to take it to a doctor but I don't have a family doctor and i would like to have a hospital reccommend if its not a bother in Los Angeles because we only got the shots for my dog and didn't continue to take it to a doctor.

If this lump has been there a while it's possible that it is a cyst. However, that depends on where it is on the neck. It could also be a gland. A vet can do a needle aspirate on it and see what is inside of it. That will help them determine what it is.

In either case it should be looked at by a vet. I am not really sure what your last sentence means since it is really run-on but I cannot recommend a veterinary hospital when I don't live in your area.

That is what phone books and word of mouth from your friends are for. Once you get this dog to the vets you need to have him checked for heartworm disease as well since you say that he hasn't seen a vet for three years. He is in dire need of having his rabies, distemper, parvo vaccinations done and to get tested for heartworms.

I hope that he doesn't already have them.

Call a vet in the phone book or look for one online in your town. I came from the San Fernando Valley but I live 10 hours north now.

Good luck!