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Skin irritation

18 14:05:39

Hi. I took my dog to Pet Smart the other day for a haircut
. Afterwards I noticed that his genital area was very red and irritated (he keeps licking the area) and it seems to be bothering him. It looks like the groomer may have accidentally nicked him. I was wondering if maybe I should apply some calamine lotion to the area, but I do not know if it is toxic to animals? Is it safe to do so? If not, is there another home remedy I can try before taking him to see the vet? Thank you for your time.

Calamine won't help him anyway. His skin is irritated from clipper burn it sounds like. I wouldn't be taking him back there if I were you.

You can use some cortisone creme or ointment on it to help with the burning until you see the vet. Some of these burns are very serious so please DO take him in to see the vet.
Then take the bill back to PetSmart and hand them a copy of it as they are liable for what has happened.

If the cortisone doesn't help or you don't have any, you can bathe the area with some oatmeal soaked water or put some Aveeno oatmeal lotion on it. Also cornstarch can help with the itching and redness.

But surely get him into the vets.