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10week old puppy with loose stoles and blood

18 16:06:26

i have a 10week old dalmation pup we've had for about 5days and shes had constant loose stoles and blood in it..Last night she went out to go and all that she did is poops blood what could this be?? and how to stop it??

Diarrhea in a young puppy can come from many causes.  I would first have you take the dog to a vet for a physical exam, intestinal parasite check and deworming if necessary.  The puppy may have eaten something foreign that is causing a digestive disturbance.  And the pup may have a viral disease called PArvovirus.

Puppies with diarrhea get dehydrated rapidly, so watch out for that.  Even if the pup is drinking, it may not be absorbed into the blood from the damaged intestine. The vet may want to give some fluids.