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strange growth on cat

18 14:43:50

A few months back I found a stray cat outside. I tried to find his home, however I have been unable to do so and so he stayed with my family. He has a growth over his right eye. It is right on his eyebrow area. It is pink in color and about the size of his eyeball (maybe a little smaller). He has had it ever since I found him and it is increasing in size. He also had a similar growth on his neck, but he scratched it or something and it "popped". There was no bleeding and he did not seem to be in pain. The growth over his eye does not seem to cause him much pain or discomfort...he eats and drinks a lot, but he does not seem to gain weight..he is very skinny. He goes to the bathroom regularly and normally. Do you have any ideas of what the growths could be? I know I should take him to the vet but I could barely convince my family to not throw this poor cat out in the cold...
Thank you and have a good day

There is no way for me to know what this is since I cannot see it. It could be a tumor, it could be a slow growing cyst. It is hard to say. It could even be a parasite inside there growing- a grub. It could be that what was on his neck too. If it is a grub in there it will eventually emerge and that will be that.

The flies that these grubs come from lay eggs on the fur and then they crawl into the skin and make a little cave to grow in.

It is called a cutebra grub.
that's a grub in a cat's neck.

But that might not be what it is. You really should have a vet look at him. He should be wormed for round and tapeworms also since he is so thin. Eating lizards makes them thin as well.