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7 wk old chiuauha

18 15:30:28

christmas day we gave my mother 6 wk old chiuauha... the puppy was fine.. at seven wks we took her to get her first vaccine shots... 2 days after the vaccine shots in the morning when we go pick her up shes like in a seizure state she wont eat and getting worse and she curls up to a ball... the person who sold us the dog came over to pick her up and try to force feed her and take her to the mom. The other puppies are perfectly fine... Our dog weighs 8 ounces please help.

While rare vaccine reactions do occur and can be severe they typically take place a bit quicker from the time of administration, so there may or may not be a connection between the vaccine appointment and the illness now being witnessed.

Given the young age of your puppy I would highly recommend having her seen by your veterinarian.  Small, young puppies become dehydrated and weakened much quicker than older dogs so supportive care can be very important.