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My mom breeds and shows Abasinians...

18 16:08:40

My mom breeds and shows Abasinians , now i got one from her for my
daughter and every since i have started to get these red bumps that itch,
when scratched they turn into sores prob about the size of a pimple ,
continue to itch as they heal and leave small scars....

antibiotic ointment and anti fungle cream seem to clear up the existing
bumps/sores but they come back..

the cat has also gotten sores and the dog now as well , but it all started
when the cat came over, now i find out my mom has had them for some time
:(  please post if you have any idea of what this is ,I can post a pic if
needed thanks.  

Mmmmmm I am curious as well, as to this condition. There are some conditions that can be passed from dog to cat to human. I will list a few, which you might want to research, however I feel that your dog and cats personal veterinarian, (or a veterinarian dermatologist), in addtion to a dermatologist for you mother may be the best people to address about these mysterious bumps. Cats, dogs and people can all pass ringworm among each other as it is highly contagious, and if not properly treated is reoccurring.
  Additionally Mange is of concern, as Sarcoptic, Notobectic, and Otodectic are all transmittable between pets and their owners. Although these are the commonly seen conditions transmitted from people and animals, there are others. This is why a veterinarian and dermatologist would be best to diagnosis the exact cause. Your veterinarian may wish to do a skin scraping and perform a culture.
   The good news is that most of these conditions are easily treatable with the proper medications. I wish I could offer you more in the way of an exact diagnosis, but without being able to see them myself; I can not. However please do feel free to get back to me with any additional questions or concerns.