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About my kitten!!!!

18 15:54:26

I dont know whats wronge with it but its not sick but it has nasty, gooey, smelly clear stuff coming out of its booty. can you help me ficgure out what it is and if i can get it tooken care of? thanks i would appreciate it


Hi Dereka!  It sounds like your kitten has an intestinal parasite...which is, of course, very common.  She will need a vet visit.  Your veterinarian will to a fecal test, so be sure to bring a fecal sample.  This will help your veterinarian decifer which kind of intestinal parasite is present.  The parasite will be treated accordingly.  
It is very important to have this taken care of promptly, as intestinal parasites grow and reproduce very quickly, and if left untreated, the results could be devistating.
Please let me know how she does!