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My Shelter Kitty

18 14:28:50

About a month ago my family adopted a small kitten from our local shelter.  We absolutely love her, but sinse we brought her home she has had one issue after another.  She has been to the vet 6 times (twice for checkups and vaccinations) and everytime we go in it seems like when one problem leaves, another develops.  Her first week she had really runny stools and looked dehydrated.  She was given Alpine-Flagil to help, then she had round worms, so she was given dewormer, then she gagged, constantly, and lost her meow.  She was diagnosed with a URI and given amoxicillin, which made her throw up everytime she ate.  She went for a check up on monday the 15th and her vet told me to take her off her antibiotic and see how she would do after that.  Her URI is gone, but it's the 19th and shes still throwing up.  Shes extremely gassy, you can feel the air moving when you pick her up.  I get her i/d prescription gastrointestinal food from her vet. I am supposed to talk to her vet today and give him an update, I am really worried about her.  I just want her beter so we can enjoy our new kitten, and let my bank account breathe.  Do you have any suggestions?  I'm at a standstill.

This kitty could probably benefit from some probiotics as well as some other broad spectrum worming medicines.

If it wasn't done already, I would certainly have her tested for leukemia. Cats with this virus (and they can be born with it) will get sick repeatedly because their immune systems are not up to par. One negative test isn't a help either, as it can take 6 weeks or longer for the virus to show up.

So get her re-tested or tested, and ask your vet about having her tested for other GI parasites like giardia and/or coccidia.

I/D is good food for her right now. I wouldn't change that at all.I know how frustrating this can be, but you are on the right track.

Get some probiotics to help her along and her health should start improving.