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Suddenly nervous schnauzer

18 15:06:30

My dog is about 9 years old and never had a problem like this... I had a new boiler installed and new radiator values. Everytime, the radiator goes on and off/making a clicking or hissing noise, my dog starts crying and shaking. What to do? I try to drown out the noise with the TV but still this is very upsetting for her. Any suggestions?

Your new boiler may be making some high-pitched noises only your dog can hear - it may take her some time to get used to it and if it is very loud/upsetting, you may need to get it tuned up or replaced.  Try installing a DAP diffuser (avalilabe from your vet) in the rooms she spends the most time in - I've seen this help with fireworks phobias and may help in this case too as it can take the edge of nervousness. You can try making positive associations with the scarry noise by giving her something she likes (a small treat etc) when the radiator switches on, but this will only work when you're there to do so.  Resist the urge to hug/console her when she's scared, as this will only serve to reinforce the reaction (ie: in dog speak she'll think "I must be right that this is something to be scared of because my owner is telling me so"). its a tough one, as you can't really live without heat!  I wish you luck, and if you are still having problems, please discuss them with your vet who may be able to give you some one on one tips, as he/she will know your dog personally.