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Kitten with balance and equilibrium problems

18 15:06:30

My kitten is 3 months old, and right after her vaccinations she developed equilibrium problems.  Her little head just moves from side to side, and she can't seem to walk straight.  She is positive for the feline HIV antibodies, but has not developed the disease.  My question is, could the preservative Thimerosol in the vaccines possibly have caused this strange condition?  I know that has been linked to Autism in children.  Thank you very much for your time an consideration.  Rosemary Bishline

Hi there,
It is very unlikely the vaccine caused the problem - the equilibrium problem could be an inner ear infection or a neurological condition - your kitten should really be examined by your vet to find out for sure.  It is possible if your kitten is FELV +ve that an imparied immune system could have left her suseptable to infection.
Hope this helps.