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Cavalier King Charles and scooting.

18 14:11:36

I have 9 year old Cavalier, female.  She was fixed many years ago.  According to the vet we have been seeing for all of her 9 years, she has allergies.  The test came out grass and trees. We do not have grass in our yard, we have turf.  We live in a condo and there are trees out side our yard.  She is not an outdoor dog, loves to be inside. We gave her allergy shots for 2 plus years and nothing changed.  I have tried her on many, many different foods that did not help.  We had her anal glands removed thinking that was causing the scooting.  That has not helped.  I now have her on Grain Free food to no avail.  She scoots on the carpet to the point of making her pee-pee raw.  I put aloe on her to take the sting away and that has helped, but only when she is raw.  Her skin is beautiful, no problem there just with the really bad scooting.  She will even scoot on the cement in the patio and garage.  She just looks misreable when this happens and it is tormenting my husband and myself.  We love her so much.  I am also trying to find a local vet who specialies and Cavs.  No luck yet.

Probably no one specializes in this breed, since a dog is pretty much a dog. However, you can find veterinary dermatologists. There is actually one on this site name Dr. Louis N. Gotthelf. he specializes in this exact type of problem.

I would post this question to him as he could help you much more efficiently than I could.

My only suggestion would be that even though she tested for trees and grass, many people overlook the fact that certain rugs and flooring can also cause these types of contact dermatitis and scooting.

Wool, nylon etc. can cause terrible allergies in some dogs. I would try removing some of the rugs lying around the house to see if it helps her somewhat. Some people have had to resort to removing the carpeting to work but hopefully it won't come to that for you.

In the meantime, post this to Dr. Louis N. Gotthelf at this link:

He does dermatology as well as ear problems.

Let me know what you find out!