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Pekingese puppy 6 mths old

18 15:23:30

We noticed ear mites in my little man, and took him straight away to the vet.  They cleaned them out and everything was fine.  after ruffly two weeks, I noticed a horrible smell coming from his eyes.  They aren't red, he doesn't paw at them or anything,,,they just smell awful.  Could this be a sign of the ear infection coming back?  My vet said, just to wipe them with baby wipes.  But this isn't helping the underlining problem.  HELP.

Ok you said a smell coming from his eyes? I am a bit confused as you mentioned ear mites first.
If he has developed a yeast infection in his ears you could be smelling that. They won't necessarily paw at them but it could be smelly.
We use rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball as that helps dry up the moisture that causes these yeasts and bacterias to flourish.
But if they smell bad you need to have them checked first.
He could be having another occurrence of ear mites as they tend to hatch out in two week intervals.