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Dog not eating or drinking

18 15:06:31

I was given a 1 yr. old (I believe it to be a whippet mix) the lady said she thought was a terrir mix. Anways, I 've had her since yesterday and she will not eat or drink and the only time she has used the bathroom was when we got home(pooped).She is very quiet, but loving,does not bark at all and sometimes afraid. She is utd on everything. I am worried about her not eating or drinking,please help.
Thank you.

She is frightened. She was uprooted from a home and now is in a strange place. Make sure the food you have for her is the same she was on, then if you want to put her on a different food you do that later on.

She will eat and drink when she feels comfortable and safe. being quiet and calm around her (no loud music, etc) will help her transition and make her feel safe. Leave the food and water where she can easily find it and she will eat it when she feels like she is safe where she is.

If she goes beyond three days without eating then I suggest you call your vet or start adding some canned food to the dry to entice her. She will need to be drinking water before that time.
If not, call the vet.