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My cat Miley

18 14:41:45

Do cats ever become more affectionate with age? Mine is almost two and is still very aloof, but older cats always seem friendlier.

you wrote me and asked me this question about a week ago.
Here is your question from 5/23/10:
"My cat is almost two years of age. Her names Miley. Like Miley Cyrus. She isn't very affectionate.  Is it possbible for her to become more affectionate with age?
Answer:   Some cats are James and some aren't. Most cats do become more affectionate with age as long as they are spayed and loved.

Could it be her name? Ha just kidding. Be sweet to her always and let her come to you.
She will eventually get closer to you."

In my experience it does seem that some cats get more affectionate with age. Some are born that way. My cat Zinny became closer to me now that myhe  other cat is gone. That cat,Crouton, wasn't very affectionate until she became older.
So there is hope for Miley still.