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skin irritation and fur loss

18 15:43:31

Our white German Shepherd has always had skin problems.  Her belly is usually red and irritated looking and she doesn't like having it touched.  Lately, she has been losing a great deal of fur and the skin irritation appears to be spreading to her sides.  She has lost so much fur that you can see her skin through her fur.  My vet says that white dogs always have sensitive skin and that she is allergic to something in the grass.  Once the weather changes, he says she will get better.  I don't accept that.  Rather than letting her suffer until the weather changes, isn't there something we can do to give her some relief?  She has also developed a persistent odor that never seems to go away.  Does this sound like an allergy to you?  What would you recommend we do?

It could very well be an allergy.  It may be a contact allergy if it is limited to the belly or it could be a systemic allergy affecting many skin sites.  If you want to know, ask the vet to give a shot of steroids.  That will relieve the itching if it is an allergy.  After a few days of relief, the dog will start itching again.  

The skin odor is the result of skin gland stimulation from the inflammation.  The excessive oils on the surface of the skin are broken down by the bacteria on the skin resulting in volatile fatty acids floating in the air, giving off the odor.  Bathing frequently (2-3 times weekly) and antibiotic therapy can really help decrease the odor.