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about veterinarians hours

18 15:47:06

what are the hours you work in a week and what training do you need my uncle is a veterinarian and i know he could teach me things but i dont think he went to veterinarian school he works at silverado veterinarian. do you know a web sight for the Silverado veterinrian. i need this reply back soon because im doing a career report for my class.

Most veterinarians work 8am-4pm but it depends on where you work. I know exactly what you should do. Job shadow! Call your local veterinarians and ask if you can job shadow for a day so that you can see what they do and ask questions. You'd be suprised at how many veterinarians would be happy to let you do that. And I cannot find a site for the silverado clinic. I hope I replied soon enough. I hope I helped. Have a great night Amanda!