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staggering/ falling over 10mth chihuahua

18 15:13:32

hello Marie i am writing about my 10 month old Chihuahua. she is trembling and falling over her tail is in between her legs and her back is hunched ... we live in a very small town called M'Chigeeng on Manitoulin Island and i called the town vet and he said to bring her in in the morning...i explained to him that i think she needs to be seen now and he brushed me off like it wasnt a big deal but chloe can hardly even stand ... she wont eat (not even her treats) im exstemely worried about her..shes my world. Please help me or even just direct me to someone who can (i dont have lots of money but im willing to make payments) thank you for all you help  ~Ritaanne

Hi - I wonder if her blood sugar is very low - Hypoglycemic... Can you get some sugar into the side of her mouth or under her tongue.
It will hit her blood stream quickly -  Also, take a syringe and try to get some water into her.. Sugar and water...
YOU should see some good results in 10 minutes after getting the sugar into her.
GET her to the vet in the morning...OK
Sorry the vet wasn't very nice...but you don't have many choices , right?
BEST of luck