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Cain toad and my dog

18 15:40:06

My dog licked or bit at a cain toad and he foamed from the mouth so i put him in the bath and rinsed his mouth out. now he is acting normal and seems ok but i heard they go crazy, what warning signs do i look for?

Hello Jessie!

Here is a website all about Cane Toads.

Also, your dog may be poisoned, as many dogs in Hawaii have dies (50 a year). You MUST see a vet immediately and if one is not open then you have to go to an emergency vet.

All stages of the Cane Toad's life-cycle are poisonous. The venom produced by the parotoid glands acts principally on the heart. No humans have died in Australia from Cane Toad poison but overseas, people have died after eating toads and even soup made from boiled toad eggs. Cane Toads are also poisonous to pets and in Hawaii up to 50 dogs a year have died after mouthing Cane Toads. Signs of poisoning through ingestion include profuse salivation, twitching, vomiting, shallow breathing, and collapse of the hind limbs. Death may occur by cardiac arrest within 15 minutes.

I hope this is helpful!Please keep me posted! ...Nikki...