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Dog vomiting and diarrhea

18 15:39:52

Our 8 1/2 year-old female yorkie-poo has been experiencing vomiting and diarrhea for the last 24 hours.  She has not eaten any dry dog food all day and is very mopy.  When she goes outside to squat she will urinate normally, but she will hunch to make a bowel movement and nothing but diarrhea comes.  Could she have an impaction?  We are concerned about dehydration, also.  We are trying to limit the water in her bowl, because she will gulp and then vomit water. We have been giving her small amounts of water.  What can we do??

Is there a chance she could have eaten any smoked meats, fatty meats, or anything she usually doesn't eat?  This could become serious quickly.  You are correct to be concerned about dehydration.  She also sounds like she is having stomach cramps.  I would have her checked by a Vet as soon as possible.  Bloodwork can screen for pancreatic or liver problems.  The Vet will also give her fluids and meds to relieve her discomfort.

If she was blocked in some way, there would be no stool at all for a period of time.  Hope all turns out well.