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Cat spraying while in heat

18 15:40:06

We recently rescued an abandoned cat.  When we got her 4 weeks ago, she had kittens who were 7 weeks old.  She is now exhibiting behaviors that lead us to believe she is in heat. We have an appointment to have her spayed in a week.  Last night I was awakened to find the cat had urinated on me.  I also started my period yesterday.  My husband believes she sprayed me to mark her territory as he believes because I have my period, she thinks I would be competing for male cats.  Is this possible or crazy?  Thank you!

Cats usually come in heat immediately or soon after their kittens are weaned.  They will definately improperly urinate when they are in heat.  I don't think your period had anything to do with it, but you are probably the one that takes care of her the most and urinating on or around you is a sign of security around you and marking her territory (meaning you are a part of her accepted family).  And she also wanted to get your attention.  Her hormones are raging right now.  Not pleasant behavior but normal.  Getting her spayed will keep this from happening.  She can be spayed while in heat but it costs more because of the increased blood flow and the increased time it takes to do the procedure.  It is still quite safe. I think a week from now would be a good time.  Good Luck.