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cat not pooping in litter box

18 15:15:43

I have a 3 yr old female cat that has been fixed and declawed about 2yrs ago and reccently she has decided not use her litter box but for only peeing in.  she poops on the carpet outside the bathroom where he litter box is.  I have had the same litter for the past 3 months.  Nothing in the house has changed.  Her vet put her on prozac but that makes her constipated. What should I do?

Amy -

Lots of cats that have been declawed exhibit signs of inappropriate soiling.  You have to make the litter box attractive to her.  Keep her litter box clean and if possible, add another litter box in the house.

Make sure she is feeling well by testing for a urinary tract infection.  Also make sure her feet are not painful; cats that have been declawed often have painful that can cause then to express their discomfort with inappropriate defecation and urination.  

Ask you vet for another antidepressant; there are many more medicines that can help her to feel better.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM