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Pit bull- pale gums and tummy rash

18 15:15:43

I have a 9 month old pit bull that on occasion his gums and sometimes his eye sockets will turn pale. I seem to notice this when it gets over 100. He has a rash on his stomach. Is he anemic or is he heat sensitive?

Hello Kerri - I would believe he is heat sensitive, but that is just a guess on my part.  Go to the vet and have some blood work done to check his levels.  Make sure he is getting plenty of cold water.  YOU can put some ice cubes in the water.

The rash could be the heat or he could have allergies... YOU can start him on a great allergy fighter - " NuVET Plus " the best immune system booster in the USA.
Here is the link

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers