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My dog is being weird

18 15:11:11

My dog is about 10 years old and is a hunting dog. He doesn't pant to often unless its hot or after a good walk. Lately he has been panting a lot, and drooling more often. Also he has a strange look about him. Like there is something wrong. My mom left for a few days, and when ever she leaves he gets a little depressed, but she is back and he is still acting like this. I'm really starting to worry. Any ideas what could be wrong?

Your dog needs to see a veterinarian. He could have so many things going on that there is no space here to deal with it. He could have heartworms, he could be having liver or kidney problems, he could have a bad tooth or something stuck in his mouth. He could have a wound or an abscess somewhere. He could have a tick related illness. The possibilities are endless.

The only advice I can give you is to call a vet tomorrow and get him in to see him/her. Don't wait too long either- some diseases are better caught early!

I hope you find out what is wrong. Please let me know what you do find out.