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dog nails

18 15:23:06

Hello Dr. Huang
I really need your advice and I thank you in advance for helping others in this way.
Our two year old neutered male Rotty will not let us clip his nails. We always made a point to handle his feet as he was growing to avoid this, but it failed.
Even muzzled its impossible to do.
My question is this.
Will a vet sedate a dog in order to clip the nails?
I know you are thinking "why not just ask your vet", but I fear they will not grasp the scope of his hatred of this process and an attempt could end up in someone getting bitten.
This is a kind gentle dog in every respect but for this.
Can you offer an opinion.
Many thanks

Yes, it is not terribly uncommon for animals to be sedated for nail trims, especially larger dogs.  Let your veterinarian know that he gets very agitated and could possibly harm someone.  They will not want to put him or their staff through undue stress.  This is very reasonable of a request.

I hope this helps.  Have a lovely day.