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Dog muscle spasms

18 16:07:36

I have a 105lb German Shorthair Pointer/Lab mix who is about 7 years old (I adopted him 3 years ago from the pound).  I recently noticed that he has muscle spasms in his front legs where the leg attaches to the body.  He doesn't seem uncomfortable or in pain, but I wanted to see if this could be a sign of a larger issue.  He walks, runs, and jumps fine.  I tend to see the spasms the most and strongest in the morning.  Please help me so I can give my "baby" the right treatment.  Thank you!

Hi Jennifer!  I would definately recommend a vet visit.  This could be simple muscle spasms, a slight seizure disorder or a neurological disorder.  Some blood work would be able to help pin point what exactly is going on with him.
I wish I could give you a diagnosis, but muscle spasms can vary from being really nothing, to being a symptom of a bigger problem.  Please let me know what your veterinarian decided and give your baby some kisses for me!