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18 14:11:22

my 21 month female pitbull is scratching her left ear to the point of some bleeding. I looked inside as best I could and fairly deep is a mass of dark colored ( wax )?? I can't afford to take her to a vet and I'm asking if there is anything I can do for her at home. she doesn't seem to be in pain but I'm afraid the continued scratching will cause a even bigger problem. thankyou

Your dog needs to see a vet.Sorry to be so harsh but this is not comfortable for your dog. It can be painful. She could have overactive ear glands and that will cause this or she might have a huge, nasty case of ear mites. She is going to get a really bad ear infection if this isn't treated and if she keeps scratching she could give herself a hematoma on her ear flap.

Owning a pet is a responsibility. We are responsible to make sure our pets have the proper medical care, food and shelter. It comes with the privilege of pet ownership.   

Please call a vet tomorrow and make her an appointment. She loves you and looks to you to take care of her medically as well as in other ways.