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Eye problems w/ my cat

18 16:05:45

This is going to be a little long, but I want to let you know what has been happening with my cat.  About a month ago one of my cats came in from outside and his right third eye lid was swollen and there was conjunctivitis(?), plus below his eye was slightly swollen.  I brought him to his regular vet, they did a stain to check for scratches and could not find any.  So they perscribed an eye ointment and antibiotics for a week.  About two days after finishing the antibiotics the swelling and conjunctivitis(?) came back but not as bad.  So back to the vet we went, they still cannot see anyting wrong with his eye, pretty much all they didi was stain it again and look to see if there was anything in his eye.  So they prescribe 2 weeks of antibiotics and contiue w/ the ointment.  About 3 days after finishing the antibiotics, it started to reoccur again.  This time it is the left eye that is slightly swollen and watery.  The left eye seems to just have conjunctivitis(?) which generally just dries in the corner and gets crusty.  I called the vet and they want me to go to an eye specialist, which I have to wait until next week to get a appointment.  What I want to know is, what could possibily be cause his eye problems.  And should I go to the specialist or try to find a vet that is more experienced with cats?  To me it seems like it is more of an illness and does not require and eye specialist.


Hi Rachel!

Has your vet ever discussed HERPES in your cat? (dont worry! Its not the same herpes as in people!)

Do go ahead and see the opthomologist OR get a second opinion from a different vet. For now what you can also do (and it wont hurt a bit-until you see the vet again) is give your cat L-Lysine. You can get this at GNC or the Vitamine Shoppe or other vitamin store. Give 500mg twice daily.

Do not just do this. See professional help. Eyes are not something you want to just let go.

Good Luck!