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flea allergy control

18 15:51:01

I would like to know if you have any sugestions on homopathy ways in which i can help my cat with a sever allergy to fleas he is 11 years old and he has never had a reaction this bad but i do not like to give my animals all sorts of medications i have how ever do put the type on the back of the neck which makes the fleas un able to reproduce. if you could help i would appreciate it he is ripping his fur out and i am finding sores and i know he is unconfortable

Hi Christina!  While I am unsure of any homopathic way to relieve flea allergies, I definitely respect your search of finding one.  I try to use as little medication as possible on my own pets.
Unfortunately, in a situation like this, I do believe that medications, for a short duration, are necessary.
First thing, the fleas need to go.  If your cat is having a severe allergic reaction to the fleas, even one flea can cause a reaction.  Try Frontline.  Frontline is an anti flea and tick product that eliminates every flea upon a bite.  The fleas will be gone within a few days of using this product.  There are many, many anti flea products out on the market, but unfortunately, they tend to cause side effects that can become quite severe.  Frontline is a type of anti flea product that does go on the back of the neck.  It is one that I consider extremely safe and use on my own pets.  In third world countries, the same ingredients in Frontline are used in their water supplies to eliminate parasites in their drinking water.  If it's used in someone's drinking's definitely a type of product I personally feel very safe using on my "fur-kids!"
Because you are finding sores, an antibiotic for a few days will definitely clear them up along with any infection that may be brewing.  A steroid injection like Depo-Medrol will eliminate any skin swelling or irritations that are causing the itch.
Once all of this is out of the way (medications for approximately 7 days), keeping up with the Frontline monthly, should resolve any more flea allergies to come up.
I hope this is helpful!