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Bloody bowel

18 14:45:28

I have a 1-2 month old German Shephard puppy. I found her about 2 weeks ago outside my door. She has been very happy and healthy up until yesterday when I took her to my husbands moms house. She was playing with my sister in laws puppy pitbull who ended up biting her belly which did not break skin. Later on in the evening she started showing signs of illness. She began refusing water and food which before she would eagarly eat and drink. When we got home later on that night she threw up a small omount of chunky vomit. Today all she wants to do is sleep and she is drinking a little bit of water but had been throwing it up about 3 times. She isn't throwing up anymore but she just pooped blood. There was no poop though it was just blood. I don't know what to do. I don't have any money to take her to the vet to treat her. Please help me.  

Your dog is probably suffering from an internal injury from this pit bull puppy. I suggest you ask your in laws to help you with money because if you don't get this dog to the vets asap she won't live long.

What most people don't get is that a bite looks rather harmless on the outside but can cause MAJOR damage on the inside under the skin where you can't see it. Even rupturing intestines.

She could also have parvo virus. It can come on suddenly just like this and the symptoms are vomiting and bloody diarrhea. Since you don't mention vaccinations it's a good chance she hasn't had any. Parvo can become fatal in 24 hours or less.

Either way, she needs to see a vet now. Or tomorrow. The fact that she is passing blood is a very bad sign. It costs money to own dogs. Vaccinations, food, spaying- none of these are free. That is a fact of responsible ownership. So PLEASE call a vet as soon as possible!!