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My cat is 14 he has been real...

18 16:06:38

My cat is 14 he has been real tired lost weight and is not eating,  if it is diabetes can he live without shots I am not able to spend alot of money for tests is ther a way to test for diabetes myself?

Hi Amy. Unfortunately there is no way to test for diabetis at home and your kitty sounds like he needs veterinary care asap.  He is exhibiting signs of Renal Disease from what you have described...also Diabetis (as you mentioned) and Hyperthyroidism.  The only way to find out what he is suffering from would be by blood work. You may be able to figure out a payment plan with your veterinarian.  Some, but not all veterinarians will be willing to work with you financially, whether it's by holding checks, monthly payments, ect.  Since your kitty is not eating, there is definately something serious and in need of treatment going on, as a cat will never stop eating unless ill.
I wish I could tell you exactly what is ailing your kitty, but the only way to be certain would be a physical examination and blood work. Give your veterinarian a try...I am sure that they will want to work with you.
Please let me know how he does. I will be thinking of you!
Give that little guy some kisses for me,