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Regarding my german sheperds skin infection

18 15:55:00

Let me at the onset congratulate you for doing such a wonderful honourable job of providing ur valuable clinical advise to All expert users.I am from Bombay in India and have a German Sheperd aged 7 years and over the past 2 months he has been getting these small reddish scabs on all over his body which later on develop into white dead skin with a peculiar smell which results in severe itching.My vet says its a skin disease called MANGE and which is not curable.He has told me to come for periodic weekly injections. Once he gives these injections the infection subsides but again reappear after 15 days.I would really appreciate if you can assist me with my problem.I cannot see Caesar suffering so badly.Thanking you in anticipation.

warm regards

ok, MANGE IS CUREABLE!  dont listen to your vet, find a new one.

yes, there are injections for it called IVERMECTIN.  If your vet has not done a SKIN SCRAPE to determine what type of mange he has, then he is not diagnosisng your pet correctly.  There is a product called REVOLUTION that does help with mange. Speak to you new vet about that.

good luck!