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My sick kitten

18 14:28:50

Hi, I have a 6 month old kitten who I recently had looked after for 2 weeks. I asked the woman taking care of he to keep her isolated from her other house cats as he has not had injections or been spayed. It's clear this didn't happen as when I picked her up she was half her normal weight and was riddled with fleas, also her coat looked very scruffy. After one night of having her home she was clearly I'll diminished appetite, listless and quiet her third eyelid was visible and she had a runny nose. I took her to an emergency vet they took her bloods but found nothing abnormal, but they gave her antibiotics and steroids to increase her appetite, just to tide her over until I could take her to my own vet on Monday. The next day she started vomiting and had very bad diarrhoea. I took her to vets again on Monday where they again took bloods and also gave her an X-ray and put her on fluids, but found nothing. After this she really perked up and seemed really well. Until she ate agen, she's been eating only cod so as to try not to upset her tummy, but she'll eat the tiniest amount then get very ill and tired and after about 8-10 hours the vomiting and diarrhoea starts again. Today she has gone in for exploratory surgery, but I was just wondering if u had ever come across anything like this as the vet seems to be having trouble identifying the problem. Like I sed she seems very lively and happy and interested in food but this is only on a morning whilst she has an empty stomach, as soon as she eats she becomes very ill. Sorry about the length of this by I just wanted to give u all of the facts. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank u x

Exploratory surgery seems like a pretty drastic measure to do on a young cat. Has this cat had any xrays or ultrasounds to see what might be going on in her gut? The vet must be thinking she has either a blockage or an intersupetion from vomiting.

I see a lot of blood work going on here but no fecal exams? She needs to have a complete fecal workup done to see why she has diarrhea and if she has worms and parasites.

She could have a protozoan parasite such as giardia or coccidia. These can be determined by specialized tests.

Since I am not a vet that is about all I can tell you. I hope that she comes out of the surgery okay and that helps her.

Please let me know how she does.