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Cat Spraying

18 13:53:26

Hello. This is not a cat health question, but I am hoping that you can help me anyway as there was nobody available in the cat behaviour section. My neighbours have a big male cat who is not neutered. I have an indoor cat, also male. Since meeting my cat through the screen one day when the window was open, this cat has taken to spraying all over my house. He sprays on the door, the sides of the house, my outdoor garbage cans, and I live in a basement suite so he has even managed to spray on my windows. What can I use to repel him? Most advice I've seen so far suggests spraying lemon juice or vinegar, but these would be washed away pretty quickly as it rains a lot where I live. I don't mind re-applying a spray, but I want to be sure that I also avoid using something that would harm the cat. What would you suggest to deter him?

this is certainly a very big problem, and I may not have all the answers for you. I would also look for some cat behavior experts (jackson galaxy-, dr. jean hofve -  I feel comfortable with the many recommendations at, though not sure how effective it will be. While addressing people who are feeding feral cats, the wonderful alley cat organization has some good ideas - scroll down their page -, and again I see no problems with any of their suggestions, and some will not wash off in rain (prickly wire, etc).  Motion activated water sprinklers that you move around every few days so they do not learn to avoid them. Ultrasonic cat repeller - just be sure to watch your cat carefully to be sure he is not affected by it (read the Early Warning Signs of Internal Imbalance at my website, which also has ways to help your cat stay healthy for much longer than you would believe -  commercial cat spray repellents have predator scents. Speak with your neighbor, who should foot the bill for all that you try.

The only suggestion I have heard in the past that I would not suggest is mothballs.

Good luck.