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Stray Cat with injured foot

18 15:19:27

Several people have left there cats after having their homes foreclosed. We have been feeding two cats because they were getting very thin and we didn't have the heart to take them to an animal shelter. The orange cat is a male that had been declawed. His right rear paw is now swollen from where he must have been in a fight and he is hopping on three legs. We feel bad for him but really can't afford to take him to a vet. Can I give him some liquid collodial silver or something natural to help him. I think it must be infected because it is swollen and he doesn't let it touch the ground. Any advice would be appreciated. If you email me back please put something in the subject line about injured cat . Thanks, Nona

Nona -

I do not recommend that you give the cat colloidal silver because you do not know the condition of that cat's liver and kidneys.  Colloidal silver can stay in the organs (liver and kidneys) for an extended time and if the liver and kidneys are not working properly, then the cat may develop problems.  

If you do not have the money to treat the cat, is it possible that he will let you clean the paw?  I can understand why you might be hesitant to take him to a shelter,  shelters have changed over the past few years and most will not euthanize an animal if it is not very sick or suffering.  Contact your local animal shelter or research a cat rescue group - there are often many around that are willing to lend a hand when it comes to helping pets.  You might also want to call around to see if there is a veterinarian in your area that might have prices that you can afford.  In most communities there are veterinarians that offer services at many price levels - I am sure if you make enough calls you will locate a vet whose prices fit your budget.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM