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canine deafness

18 15:58:37

My Westie , after prolonged episodes of ear infections-(Treated when I knew about it) has suddenly gone deaf.  The local vet has prescribed 20 mg predisone, and Otomax for a 'yeast infection" in the ear. I had started him on Clavamox before taking him in, but the Vet stopped that.   He does not appear to hear anything.  I live a long way from Texas A & M but called there this am to see about brainstem evoke testing and specialist treatment. Can you please help me? I will do whatever to help him hear again.  

He may need to be sedated and have an ear flush to clean out his ears fully.  And I would recommend head x-rays to check his ear bullae (inner ear area) as sometimes these patients have calcifications of the inner ear and need surgery.  If an animal has a severe enough ear infection it can lead to irreversible deafness.