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18 15:43:08

dear jennifer

i have a female cat which isnt fixed, and ill like to ask

when does  a cat come into heat?

how long does heat go for?

does cats only go into heat 2 times a year spring and summer?

does male cats come in season to?

thank you very much for your time  

Many cats go into heat every 2-4 weeks from spring until fall.  They do not just have 2 cycles a year like dogs.  They have MANY cycles.  Some cats will go into heat and literally be in heat the whole summer.  Female cats can also spray urine when they are in heat to mark their territory.   Best bet is to have your cat spayed to avoid unwanted pregnancies, unwanted tom cats around the house spraying as well as reduce the risk of your cat getting a life-threatening uterine infection (pyometra) and breast cancer.   Tom cats do not come into season....they are ready anytime to breed when a female is available.